Thursday, November 18, 2021


 So today I came back from school and said why not give you guys some riddles. So if you know the answer let me know down in the comments bellow. 


What is always in front of you but you cant see it ? 😩 ?

1st. What can you break, even if you never pick it up or touch it? 

2nd .What has hands, but can’t clap?

3rd .What can travel all around the world without leaving its corner?


     😈 HARD LEVEL  😈


So you have 4 siblings 1st is called north 2nd is called south and the 3rd is called east . What is the 4th name ?? 😫😫😫 ??


  1. Kia ora Nooraldeen. I love riddles! I think I know them all but I won't give away all the answers. Is the first one your future? The hard one has me stuck. I'm guessing it's not as easy as west?

    1. Hi Mr Phill. So yeah for the first riddle YOU GOT IT RIGHT!!! and for the second riddle I am sorry to say but that is not the correct answer. Good luck next time Bye.

  2. Good morning Nooraldeen,I also love riddles, your riddles are sure pretty hard but I think I know the answer to the 2th riddle anyway bye!

    1. Hi Elvin Thanks for the comment. So I see you know the answer to
      2th riddle what do you think it is. Bye :)

  3. Hi Nooraldeen, I know the answers to all the riddles except the hard riddle.
    Are my answers right?

    Answer to 1st one: Future
    Answer to 2nd one: A Promise
    Answer to 3rd one: Clock
    Answer to 4th one: A Stamp
    Answer to 5th one: ?

    Any right?

    1. Hi Charmy. Yes you got all of them CORRECT !!! except for the 5th one
      It is tricky so i'm not surprised you don't know it. Bye :)
