Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Stormy Night.

 Yesterday was a really stormy night there was so much lightning and heavy rain. The lightning strikes was so close to our house it felt like it was going to strike it. The kittens were so scared of the noise that we put them in a room that was far from the lighting noises. It was kinda tough sleeping from all the noise but there no other choice. But the next morning AKA today was better but still windy. Let me know in the comments down below if you heard the storm Bye .😊 


  1. Hi Nooraldeen! Yup, I heard the thunder! I was in my room watching videos on my home account, when I heard the rain then the THUNDERSTORM! It startled me because I was in a comfy area on my bed and tucked a blanket. This is a great post but start with a capital letter and it's not "u" it's "you"! Also remember it's not "ur" it's your or you're!

  2. Hi Nooraldeen,
    Good try, but as Charmy said watch your capitals at the beginning of your sentences. This would have been a great opportunity to use some more interesting describing words and throw in a couple of similes.
    "Yes, there was an amazing storm last night. The cracks of lighning slit the night sky that I thought it was going to fall to the ground but instead it broke the clouds, showering down water like an avalanche on a mountain."

  3. Hey Nooraldeen,

    Yep yep, heard the thunder, saw the lightning and got very scared! I like that you talked about the kittens too. Sometimes we forget that our pets get scared too! Remember your capitals at the beginning of sentences.

  4. Kia ora Nooraldeen,

    It was definitely wicked weather. I think the lightning storm lasted for at least an hour. Luckily there wasn't too much damage. Did you know one of our teachers was 2 driveways from the flooding?

    I really like the personal voice - "no other choice" and "AKA". I wonder whether you can use a thesaurus to use interesting words. Can we find another word for scared?

    Looking forward to future blog posts,
    Miss Laxa

  5. I know exactly which night you are referring to Nooraldeen! I can imagine your kittens didn't like it.
    After dinner we go out most nights to walk Sunshine the puppy, but we cut our walk short when the thunder and lightning started. It was scary to be out in the park with all of that happening!

    Felt like Spring this weekend, however! Yay. Here comes the warm weather.
    Keep up the blogging.

  6. Hey Nooraldeen, I heard the thunder too. I liked how you have finished off with a question at the end. It helps others to interact. Next time, maybe you can try and use some similes or metaphors to describe the storm.
